Friday, March 26, 2010

So, bed early tonight!

At last!  Summertime lands with us this weekend and the clocks "spring" forward at 1am on Sunday.  Best get to bed early tonight then to compensate!
Well, we had another hectic week at  Things got off to a great start with our feature on the Derek Mooney show on Monday.  We loved our trip in to Montrose but despite having our autograph books to hand and keeping an eagle eye out for anyone remotely famous - the only celeb we got to meet was Derek himself.  Nice chap too.  Thankfully, we managed to avoid inadvertently flicking any of the gazillions of flashing lights that make the studio feel like the cockpit of a 747 'tho we did send some serious feedback through Derek's headphones by leaving a mobile on!  We took some footage of our visit so if we can just manage to get our newly arrived Sony "Bloggie" to export the video file, we'll post it online.  One thing we do want to do is to get someone to do a Video Blog for us of the Voya Seaweed Baths up in Sligo. If you're game (maybe you could bring a pal along for company and courage!), drop us a line at, let us know why you should be the one to do it and we'll see if Mark Walton will help us get that organised.
Monday also saw the arrival of Cork Crystal into the directory - welcome onboard folks.  Their beautiful pieces are 33% lead and all mouth-blown and cut by hand on a diamond wheel - just when we thought you couldn't get real hand-made Irish crystal anymore!
One other company that caught our attention this week was Fieldstown Farm (you'll get them online at  They'll deliver lamb straight to your door and with Easter Sunday just around the corner that's sounding like a pretty good idea.  They also do a range of free range turkey and some beef products too.
Car Sticker distribution is starting to take-off and we're hugely grateful to the campaign supporters who've undertaken to help us.  So far, we've extended the distribution network to include Rathgar, Cork, Tuam and Arklow. If you think you can help in your area - especially if you have access to a large company or other suitable channel - please drop us a line at  

Next week we start work on a new competition for us all on Facebook (1,150 fans and growing by the hour. This is fast becoming a real people power campaign!).  We've got some great ideas that we want to get off the ground so watch this space.
Have a great weekend.

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